Wooler, Doris M

Birth Name Wooler, Doris M
Gender female


Birth GRO 3rd qtr 1916
Wooler, Doris M Chatfield Eastbourne 2b 96
Possible child
Birth GRO 2nd qtr 1944
Pocock, David J Wooler Gloucester C. 6a 719


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1916 Eastbourne, Sussex East, England    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Wooler, Charles Colinabout 18841955
Mother Chatfield, Jessie Sarah18871953
    Sister     Wooler, Joyce Olive J 17 May 1907
    Brother     Wooler, Charles C 1911 1911
         Wooler, Doris M 1916


Family of Pocock, Jesse S and Wooler, Doris M

Married Husband Pocock, Jesse S ( * 1913 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1938 Eastbourne, Sussex East, England    

Marriages GRO 2nd qtr 1938
Wooler, Doris M Pocock Eastbourne 2b 194
Pocock, Jesse S Wooler Eastbourne 2b 194

Type Value Notes Sources
_UID 49263DBDA55A3D40AF709736988C7C51C262


Type Value Notes Sources
_UID 031680AE92AC43428E1EC9549C43313E21F1