
Process all files in the directory.No
Genealogical fileC:\Genealogy\PAF\DataFile\CHATFIELD 2022.ged
Display unknown tagsYes
Display/sort by dates in the first names listYes
Sort surnames alphabetically, ignoring particlesYes
All names with the same initials in the same pageNo
Show the surnames next to the given namesNo
Generate one individual per pageNo
Individual file in spreadsheetYes
Flash ListYes
Display nickname between given name and surnameYes
Descendancy TreeYes
Ancestry TreeYes
Display condensed individual informationNo
Display ages of events in the individual sheetsYes
Display Table of Birthdays horizontallyYes
Generate birthday tablesYes
Generate birth place listYes
Generate date statisticsYes
Generate search moduleYes
Generate chronological date indexYes
Display siblingsYes
Detailed ascendancy treeYes
Display timelinesYes
Display links between individualsYes
Detailed timelinesYes
Display only first given name in tablesNo
Display given name before surnameNo
Display place informations for brothers, sisters and childrenYes
Individuals : Pictures Height :
Display name in individual fileYes
Display private peopleYes
Remove the accents in the file namesNo
Documents : Pictures Height :
Put documents in a sub-folderNo
Display documents at the bottom of each individual's descriptionNo
Display city names on mapsYes
Display pictures in family treesYes
downloadable GedComYes
Link to documents in the event listsYes
Show only events in the page documentNo
Generate picture in thumbnail formatYes
Video type :
Notes :3
Sources (and independent information of the individual in the GEDCOM) :3
Display information for deceased peopleNo
Only birthsNo
Cutoff year for the century1905
Exclude persons with any events in the above century.No
Withhold all information on persons with events in the above century.No
Don't display any information from above century.No
Use only country for sortingNo
Interactive research for placesYes
Default country :
Display zones mapsYes
GoogleMap links use longitudes/latitudesYes
Find postal codes in the french place searchYes
Convert place namesYes
Show the result at the end of the generationYes
Transform names to uppercaseYes
Show SOSA's numbersYes
Add a prefix to the files namesNo
Display SOSA dialog box to choose SOSA number 1Yes
Display frequent surnames dialog boxYes
Encrypt Email with JavaScriptYes
Insert META data in the headpageYes
Title:CHATFIELD Worldwide Genealogy 2022 Mar 21
Author:Colin John Chatfield
Mail/URL :chatfhs@aol.com
Document to add : On right top
Document to add : On right bottom
Document to add : On left top (in menu)
Document to add : On left bottom (in menu)
Title and link sizes :Normal
Include XML generationYes
Generate framesYes
Generate full lists (big files)Yes
Display individuals with no places in the flash listNo
Gererate options reportYes
Background :#F5F3C5
<HEAD> to add :
to add in : <BODY>
Footer :
Encoding :iso-8859-1
Average size of pages :128000

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These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.40u, on 15/06/2022. You can download it here.