
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Heather. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth
Heather, Albert Henry 1875
Heather, Alfred 1877
Heather, Annie 1884
Heather, Charles George 1887
Heather, Frances Sarah 1882
Heather, Gillian M 1963
Heather, Hazel Norman 1901
Heather, Henry about 1853
Heather, Jane 1880
Heather, Richard 1889
Heather, Robert James 1886
Heather, Ruth 1813
Heather, Wilfred Clyde Norman 1904
Heather, William 1878
Heather, William Henry Norman 1877
Heather, Wilma Beatrice 1906