
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Boswell. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth
Boswell, Albert E about 1885
Boswell, Anna L November 1869
Boswell, Anne 12 October 1947
Boswell, Bruce  
Boswell, Bruce Eugine Theodore about 1882
Boswell, Cyril James about 1895
Boswell, Dorothea M about 1826
Boswell, Eugenia about 1828
Boswell, George W
Boswell, Georgina 1947
Boswell, Heloise Mathilda Clara about 1883
Boswell, John Albert about 1840
Boswell, Margaret M 1945
Boswell, Martin 1 March 1791
Boswell, Martin Theodore about 1833
Boswell, Nigel G C 1946
Boswell, Theodora Heline about 1887