Welch, David Paul

Birth Name Welch, David Paul
Gender male


Address 2013: 111 Barnes St., Munford, TN 38058
Possible Relatives:
Tracy L Fernow
Carrie Welch
Theresa Marie Chatfield
Melvin W Welch
Melvin Welch

Associated Businesses: Welch Services

Previous Addresses:
1. 681 Davidson Rd, Drummonds, TN 38023
2. 681 Davidson Rd, Atoka, TN 38004
3. 2507 Ashlee Dr, De Soto, MO 63020
4. 1645 Wells Station Rd, Memphis, TN 38108
5. 15805 State Rd, De Soto, MO 63020


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth about 1967      


Family of Welch, David Paul and Chatfield, Theresa Marie

Unknown Partner Chatfield, Theresa Marie ( * 26 May 1968 + ... )
Type Value Notes Sources
_UID 8F982C41A2A90A49B6A2D3BE5AA6A69A5B63


Type Value Notes Sources
_UID 80CC402914BD764094ED3405D8D4F23FD3DF


    1. Welch, David Paul
      1. Chatfield, Theresa Marie